Value Townhouse

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We also offer digital valuations!

Do You Want to Appraise Your Townhouse?

Do you have a townhouse you want to appraise? Perhaps you need to sell it to change your living situation as your family grows, or maybe you simply want to know the exact value out of pure curiosity. At Notar, we help you appraise your townhouse based on the various factors that come into play.

Find out what your townhouse is worth with our digital appraisal service or request a physical meeting to conduct the appraisal on-site. Our service-oriented agents will visit your townhouse or appraise it using submitted photos. With good local knowledge and a great deal of attentiveness, we can also assist you further in the sales process if you wish.

Reappraise Your Townhouse

Have you perhaps made significant improvements to your townhouse recently and need a reappraisal? After a renovation, it is common to reappraise the property – both to know how much you can get in a sale and perhaps to improve the terms of your mortgage. If the value of the house has increased, you can get more favorable terms and a lower loan-to-value ratio, which means reduced amortization. Maybe it's time to check if your townhouse has increased in value?

Comprehensive or General Appraisals

There are essentially two different appraisal options – general and comprehensive.

  • General Appraisal – This is a basic appraisal and not as precise or detailed as a comprehensive one. It provides an estimate, and often a written certificate of value is not included.
  • Comprehensive Appraisal – Useful as a certificate for the bank in connection with mortgages. The analysis is more thorough and considers the condition of the townhouse, location, and more to get the most accurate value possible.

At Notar, we primarily work with comprehensive appraisals because we want you to get as accurate a figure as possible, no matter what you need the information for. You can also choose between a digital appraisal or an open physical meeting.

In a digital appraisal, we use your submitted photos of the townhouse, which should be as clear and comprehensive as possible. Also include all the information about the house, such as floor plans, purchase contracts, etc., and anything else that might affect the value.

In a physical appraisal, one of our knowledgeable agents will come to your home and conduct the appraisal directly at the townhouse. Which form you choose is up to you. Both options are free of charge! Read more at appraise property.

Evaluate your home for free!

Fill in your details, and we will contact you shortly.
We also offer digital valuations!

Monitor the Value of Your Townhouse

Another way to keep a constant check on how the housing market is developing and how the value of your townhouse is affected is to ask us for a value monitoring service. With such a service, you stay updated and can choose to sell when you feel the price is at a level that makes you satisfied. At Notar, we do everything we can to ensure your real estate transaction goes through and that you find the path to a truly successful sale.

Read more here about selling townhouses.

Frequently Asked Questions about Valuing Property