This is What the Top Realtor Thinks About the Housing Market in Autumn 2022

How will the low-pressure system affect the housing market this autumn? Hear what top realtor Sanna Treijs has to say in the podcast Sveriges Bästa Mäklare.

Sanna Treijs, franchisee and real estate agent at Notar Hornstull, participated in episode 81 of Sveriges Bästa Mäklare.

Buyers and Sellers Will Soon Be Able to Meet Again

What will be most important for you as a realtor in your relationship with sellers this autumn?

– What happens when the market slows down, as it has during the summer, is that buyers and sellers get very far apart. The seller thinks, “The neighbor sold for six million, so I want the same.” Therefore, communication and discussion with clients will be the absolute most important thing for me as a realtor this autumn.

Will the current low-pressure system on the market persist?

– I don't think what we're seeing now will last long. Soon, we will have a situation where buyers and sellers can meet again. A lot of homes were listed for sale in August, and it continues in September, but towards late autumn, I believe we will see a normalization. In autumn 2017, prices also dropped by 10-15%, but it passed.

Read the full article on Hemnet here