Erik Hedlund on the Benefits of Selling in Summer
During the spring, the market has truly been on overdrive with fast transactions and, in many cases, intense bidding wars.
Normally, the supply decreases during the summer while demand remains high, which tends to lead to good sales for those who choose to sell then. The usual, somewhat laid-back argument for why it’s worse to sell during the summer is that people are on vacation and don’t have time to look for homes. This year, we can assume that travel opportunities will still be limited during the holidays, which will give buyers more time at home to think about their next home and attend viewings. Here in Uppsala, there’s also a clear student effect for smaller apartments in connection with the admission results in mid-July, where we always sell homes at record prices.
What we have seen since the pandemic hit with full force is that many prioritize their living situation, and for those who have been able to work from home, we will probably return to a new daily routine where the home becomes an even more important gathering place for socializing, while it will also be very valuable to have space to work from home.
When autumn comes, the amortization requirement will return for those who have been exempt and new borrowers, which may have a slight cooling effect on price development. I don’t think prices will drop, but we will see a more stable price development going forward. Autumn also means that a higher percentage of the population will be fully vaccinated, and life may start to return more to normal with more openness and more visitors at viewings. We may even return to shaking hands with all viewing visitors.
Erik Hedlund
Registered Real Estate Agent, Uppsala
0733-23 02 21