Our Marketing

The rule of thumb is that the more potential buyers who show up at the viewing, the higher the selling price. The challenge is to attract a broad audience to the viewing of your home. At Notar, we help you plan and execute the marketing so that we always have the conditions to get a "full house" when we open the door to your home. Each potential buyer our agents get the opportunity to work with means a potential bidder and thus the possibility of a higher selling price. Notar offers the industry's most comprehensive marketing, tailored to each unique property to maximize exposure and attract the right target audience.

Superior Advertising

At Notar, we have developed a generous basic offer for advertising your home. Depending on what you and your Notar agent decide, various types of complementary advertising may be appropriate. The following points are always included when selling with Notar:

  • Ad on notar.se
  • Ad on hemnet.se, bovision.se, booli.se, among others (Separate cost for Hemnet)
  • Ad on Notar's Facebook page
  • Distribution to Notar's extensive prospect register
  • Signage in Notar's stores
  • Information about the viewing in the association and in the local area


We are proud to say that Notar is one of Sweden's largest real estate agencies. That also means that notar.se is the website potential buyers turn to in the search for their dream home. Here on this well-visited website, we place your ad with large pictures and a well-formulated description. We also make sure to link the ad to all established housing marketplaces, including Hemnet, Bovision, and DN Bostad.

Prospect Register

With our 20 years in the market, we are a well-established real estate agency with an invaluable network. We ask all interested parties at all viewings what they are looking for and offer them free monitoring in the search for their dream home. This not only creates a large customer base but also allows us to match your property with the hottest prospects. Notar also ensures to contact buyers who have attended other viewings and who have bid on similar properties to find out if they may also be interested in your home.

Local Sign Locations

Buyers often search for homes in areas where they feel at home. Advertising at your local Notar office also captures customers who are not looking for homes on the internet. With exposure around the clock in our shop windows, there will always be people in your area who notice when your home is up for viewing.


Your ad is posted on Notar's Facebook page and is thus immediately available to everyone active on Facebook. Our Facebook page serves as a virtual office where you can ask questions to agents, book a free valuation, read our press releases, or just get news and offers.

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