Help with Loan Pre-Approval
When you buy or sell your home through Notar, Söderberg & Partners Bolån can assist you with everything related to your mortgage. At Söderberg & Partners Bolån, we offer personalized service and help with everything from loan pre-approval to purchasing a home, and thereafter throughout your homeownership journey.
Quick Service
At Söderberg & Partners Bolån, we understand the importance of acting quickly in the housing market and receiving prompt and reliable decisions. Our ambition is to respond to your loan application on the same day.
Personalized Support
We want the mortgage process to be simple for you as a customer and for you to feel secure throughout your property transaction. With us, you’ll have the same contact person throughout the entire process, from loan application to disbursement.
Long-Term Commitment
For us, it’s important that you as a customer are satisfied with your mortgage even many years after your home purchase. We strive to build long-term relationships, maintain continuous dialogue, and be here for you whenever you need help.
Want to know more? Feel free to contact your real estate agent.
Notar + Söderberg & Partners Bolån
For a fast, secure, and smooth transaction. | +46 (0)8-466 80 40
Stureplan 8 | 114 35 Stockholm, Sweden